Photo Gallery

Lighting Plans

This system keeps live projects organized & centralized for quick access by all team members.
Project Reference

File drawers are numbered on the outside  (1-15).

Envelopes inside the file drawers are labeled by client/project name. 

Team members reference a shared computer index. 

A search by client/project name in the index tells the team member in which drawer that project is stored.

Income Tax Archive

Income tax returns are boxed each year and kept permanently.

Backup receipts for tax returns are boxed separately and kept for a period of  6 years, to defend an audit.

Each year, the oldest backup receipts are purged and shredded from the system and the most recent receipts are added.

This cycle of purging the oldest back up receipts and adding the new is repeated each year to keep the system under control and organized.
Multi-use Storage

This organized storage area also serves as a copy room, computer server area, and stores multiple layers of samples used by the design team.  

The exceptional organization supports  quick access to what is needed and makes it easy to see if any supplies need to be reordered.

The supply reorder form is kept at hands reach for any team member to jot which supplies need to be reordered at any given moment.
The Little Office That Could